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 Support Us

There are different ways to support our Centre


There are different ways to support our Centre. As a service provider in the aged care sector our time is dedicated to helping seniors in our community through social engagement and wellness programs and respite for their carers. If you are as passionate as we are you can assist by donating or considering a bequest in your will.


By leaving a bequest to Burger Centre, your legacy will help us to continue to provide support to seniors in our community and their carers for generations to come.
When a loved one needs the kind of care that you alone can’t provide, Burger Centre is there for you and your family.
Your gift, no matter how large or small, will leave a lasting legacy with help for those most in need in our community. 

Choosing to leave a Gift in Will to the Burger Centre is heartfelt and personal. You may see your Gift in Will as a way of saying ‘thank you ’for the care that you or a loved one received through a Burger Centre program or service. Or perhaps it is a way of extending beyond your lifetime, an existing commitment to support Burger Centre. Regardless of the reason, your gift is very much appreciated and your wishes very much respected.

How to leave a Gift in your Will

Your solicitor can provide guidance and detailed information, but in general, the types of Gifts in Will include:

  • Whole of your Estate: We recommend discussing your decision with any family if choosing to generously bequeath your entire estate to Burger Centre.
  • Percentage of your Estate: It is a good idea to specify a proportion for Burger Centre, rather than an actual amount, as it can be difficult to predict the future worth of your estate or how much you or your dependents will need in the meantime.
  • Residual of your Estate: After providing for family and friends, and ensuring all debts have been paid, you can bequeath the remainder of your estate to the Burger Centre.
  • Percentage of your residue: You may choose to give Burger Centre a portion of the residue, or balance, of your estate after family, loved ones and expenses have been provided for.
  • Specific Gift in Will: A gift of a specific item of value such as property, shares, jewellery or works of art, may be specifically named in your Will and bequeathed directly to Burger Centre. 

You can print and complete the Burger Centre Gift in Will form to discuss with your solicitor when writing or updating your Will.


Burger Centre is here to help with any questions about your bequest or gift in your will. If you’re considering leaving a Gift in your Will, we would love to get to know you and your unique story, and discuss the areas of our work you would like to support.If you would like to support us.

Please call Warren Hurst on (02) 9302 8005 or email

*Donations over $2 are tax deductible. 



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