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On 16 February,  Burger Centre launched its Sensory Garden – a green space designed to appeal to all the senses. The garden will help in calming and grounding our clients. Being within nature, exposed to colour, touch and scent provides a sensory delight for enjoyment but it can also inspire the recollection of distant memories and sensations.

Research has demonstrated that those living with dementia respond very well to sensory stimuli and reminiscent therapy, which is one of the main inspirations for the creation of this garden.

The garden includes plants that are sweet to smell (like Jasmine), great to touch (like Leucospermum and lambs ears), great to taste, and plants that look beautiful (like Gazania).

It also includes a waterfall feature with seating where clients can relax and enjoy the sounds of water.

In the future there will be an addition of an edible vegetable pod and more. These are open to sponsorship and can have a family name on a trough – please contact the or call us on 8345 9147 for more info.

A big thank you to everyone who has been involved in the development of the garden and we are grateful for your support every step of the way.